
6 Benefits of Equal Employees in Workplaces

  • 2022-11-21

In the previous article, we mentioned how gender discrimination can be observed in a workplace. A lack of diversity in workplaces may harm firms in several ways. Providing diversity and valuing women's empowerment is necessary not only to "do the right thing" but also to have many positive impacts on companies and contribute to the economy. 
From a broad perspective, it can be said that companies that do not value women's empowerment in the workplace miss half of the talents and skills in society. 
We have compiled the 6 benefits of equal employees in the workplace for you below.

1.     Positive Company Culture

Establishing an inclusive company culture for all genders creates a more free working environment and provides a workplace where all employees feel valued and respected. When individuals feel valued, they can express their ideas and opinions more comfortably. This creates a working environment where everyone can show their abilities and learn from each other.
Studies show that female employees have stronger skills in observing nonverbal communication, such as body language and cues. This shows how important it is to empower women in the workplace in terms of creating a positive corporate culture, as it can prevent potential conflicts.

2.     Excellent Company Reputation

Companies that advocate women's empowerment in the workplace and include them in their policies are increasing their reputation in the outside world. Reaching customers who value equality, the happiness and work efficiency of individuals working inside, and the possibility of working with other companies with similar values directly increase according to their reputation.

3.     Ability of Correct Conflict Management

Individuals may exhibit different behaviors during the conflict. While some people act directly in line with their wishes without avoiding conflict, others may move away from the conflict environment by displaying a peaceful attitude. The fact that individuals with different characteristics work in the same place strengthens the ability of employees to communicate correctly and help to manage conflicts correctly.
Due to the roles assigned to the genders, individuals do not show different attitudes in conflict management. Employees who do not want to judge for not being "man enough" or "woman enough" find it very difficult to resolve conflicts that may arise in the workplace when they hesitate.

4.     More Earnings

From an economic point of view, women are very influential in the buying and selling processes. Companies should value communication with their customers if they want to keep positive customer experiences at a superior level. Since the customers in the purchasing processes are mostly women and very diverse, companies that have this diversity and value enable them to communicate with the customers correctly. The reflection of this on companies is a good customer experience where customers' needs are met.
According to the report published by McKinsey, it was revealed that companies with more female leaders as their board members earn more than their competitors in their industries.1

5.     More Innovation and Creativity

In a study conducted by the Boston Consulting Group, the management teams of the companies that earn the most on innovation are composed of individuals from different cultures, careers, or genders..2
In corporate cultures where women's empowerment and diversity are valued, employees can freely express themselves without fear of being judged. This allows the company to be more open to innovations. The production process made by the contribution of all employees becomes more innovative and creative.

6.     Reaching Talented Individuals More

Most job seekers look at the employee diversity of the firm when evaluating the offers they receive. Especially, qualified women sought by most companies look at whether the company attaches importance to women's empowerment before accepting job offers.
In a study conducted by PwC, 85% of millennial women stated that they care about women's empowerment and diversity while looking for a job
In other words, senior employees who have the characteristics desired by every company attach importance to gender equality and diversity in the workplace and do not want to work in companies that do not have these values. Therefore, women's empowerment directly affects companies' recruitment processes.
Studies have revealed that inclusive companies make 87% more accurate decisions when making business decisions.4 It has been observed that companies with the insufficient number of equal employees make weaker decisions.
As a result, companies sensitive to women's policies in the workplace can create a more inclusive work environment. An inclusive work environment ensures high employee morale and a sense of belonging. As the rate of employee loss in companies decreases with inclusiveness, it provides companies both time and employee competence in the recruitment processes.

  1. www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/employment-and-growth/how-advancing-womens-equality-can-add-12-trillion-to-global-growt
  2. https://www.bcg.com/publications/2022/addressing-diversity-in-investmen
  3. https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/about/diversity/internationalwomensday/the-female-millennial.htm
  4. https://emtrain.com/blog/diversity/better-decision-making/#:~:text=According%20to%20research%20by%20Cloverpop,from%20an%20overall%20organization%20standpoint



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